Otherwise, let’s create our app first and install the Facebook plugin from Ionic Native. This is the same ID that our app has inside the config.xml file, so if you already have an app add the Id to those fields. This is the next step for you, because your fields are still empty! As an example I have used gray image view: As you can see below, it does not overlap status bar: Please contact to delete if infringement. To enable it, in your storyboard's File inspector tick the following option. Notice that I already added an iOS Bundle ID and Android Google Play Package Name? Use Auto Layout and pin your view to Top Layout Guide, or use the new Safe Area Layout Guides. After adding both platforms it should look like this: Therefore, navigate to Settings and hit + Add Platform. Once your app is created you need to add the iOS and Android platform. On Android, your Facebook app should open directly without those additional clicks! Setting up a Facebook Appīefore we start with our Ionic app we need a Facebook app, so go to the developer page and create a new app. Note: This is the iOS behaviour and seems to be standard on that platform for some reasons. We will have to create a new Facebook app and connect our Ionic app to that app, but you will see it takes us only a few minutes to get a result like below. In this Quick Win we will allow our user to login with his Facebook account, and after we are authenticated we make a request to grab some user information from his Facebook profile.
Facebook login with Ionic is still one of the most requested articles, and the good news for you is: It’s not that hard at all! I installed the StatusBar plugin based on the documentation: But, when I ran the app locally with ionic serve (or, if I wanted to make the production build with ionic build -prod) I got: ERROR.